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MegaRAID Controller

Controller ID:  0   PD Predictive failure:  
Event ID:96
Generated On: Mon Sep 02 14:29:04 CEST 2019

LSI Storage Authority Avago



Zur Behebung des Problems passen Sie die Konfigurationsdatei LSA.conf folgendermaßen an:[1]

    Stoppen Sie den LSAService in Windows Services
    Editieren sie die LSA config file (LSA.conf)

        C:\Program Files(x86)\LSI\LSIStroageAuthority\conf\LSA.conf

    Überprüfen Sie folgenden Befehl: full_access_groups = Administrators

        Hier muss je nach Sprache dies angepasst werden:
            Französisch = full_access_groups = Administrateurs
            Deutsch = full_access_groups = Administratoren
            Spanish = full_access_groups = Administradores
            Russisch = full_access_groups = Администраторы oder Administratory

    Sobald Sie Punkt 3 durchgeführt und gespeichert haben, müssen sie den LSAService neustarten.

Nach dem Ausführen dieser Schritte sollten Sie sich wieder ohne Probleme anmelden können.


ThinkServer Server Spezielles

ThinkServer Management Module

Supermicro IPMI Password Reset - GUI Fuckup did not take password nevertheless changed it

Linux Boot CD

boot grml live

You probably need to load the IPMI kernel modules:

modprobe ipmi_devintf
modprobe ipmi_si

You can add these to /etc/modules to have them loaded automatically (just list the module names):


ipmitool -I open user set password 2 ADMIN

The number 2 there is the user id. The ADMIN account defaults to user id 2. So I'm setting user id 2's password to ADMIN which is the default, but you could put any other password there.

Windows IPMICFG Tool

C:\TMP\IPMICFG_1.31.0_build.200205\IPMICFG_1.31.0_build.200205\Windows\64bit>.\IPMICFG-Win.exe -user setpwd 2 ADMIN123!

C:\TMP\IPMICFG_1.31.0_build.200205\IPMICFG_1.31.0_build.200205\Windows\64bit>.\IPMICFG-Win.exe -user list
Maximum number of Users          : 10
Count of currently enabled Users : 1
User ID | User Name        | Privilege Level | Enable
------- | ---------        | --------------- | ------
      2 | ADMIN            | Administrator   | Yes


HP ILO - Upgrade Firmware via Web Access

 To obtain firmware image for updating via iLO user interface, utilities, or scripting interface:
Download the SCEXE file to a client running a Linux operating system.  Execute: sh  CP0xxxxx.scexe --unpack=directory
This command will unpack the ilo4_1XX.bin into a user specified "directory". If the directory does not exist, the unpacker will attempt to create it.


nagios signal notifications

Ubuntu/Debian: sudo apt-get install default-jre

signal-cli -u +436641234567 register
signal-cli -u +436641234567 verify CODE-FROM-SIGNAL-VIA-SMS
signal-cli -u +436641234567 (SENDER) send -m "foo" +438716213 (EMPFÄNGER)

Auth Infos werden unter ~/.local abgelegt d.h. Benutzerenvironment beachten und für nagios kopieren
#signal Notification commands

define command {
        command_name    notify-host-by-signal
        command_line    /opt/signal-cli/bin/signal-cli -u +436641234567 send -m '$NOTIFICATIONTYPE$ Host : $HOSTNAME$ is $HOSTSTATE$ @ $LONGDATETIME$' $_CONTACTSIGNAL$
define command {
        command_name    notify-service-by-signal
        command_line     /opt/signal-cli/bin/signal-cli -u +436641234567  send  -m '$NOTIFICATIONTYPE$ Host : $HOSTNAME$ - Service : $SERVICEDESC$ is $SERVICESTATE$ @ $LONGDATETIME$' $_CONTACTSIGNAL$

#Contact definition

define contact{
        contact_name                    root
        alias                           Root
        service_notification_period     24x7
        host_notification_period        24x7
        service_notification_options    w,u,c,r
        host_notification_options       d,r
        service_notification_commands   notify-service-by-email notify-service-by-signal
        host_notification_commands      notify-host-by-email notify-host-by-signal
        _signal                         +436641234567



root@mrMonitoring:/var/lib/nagios# grep nagios /etc/passwd
root@mrMonitoring:/var/lib/nagios# ls -al /var/lib/nagios/.local/
total 12
drwx------ 3 nagios nagios 4096 Jul 15 13:08 .
drwxr-xr-x 3 nagios nagios 4096 Jul 15 13:17 ..
drwx------ 3 nagios nagios 4096 Jul 15 13:08 share
root@mrMonitoring:/var/lib/nagios# ls -al /var/lib/nagios/.local/share/
total 12
drwx------ 3 nagios nagios 4096 Jul 15 13:08 .
drwx------ 3 nagios nagios 4096 Jul 15 13:08 ..
drwx------ 3 nagios nagios 4096 Jul 15 13:08 signal-cli
root@mrMonitoring:/var/lib/nagios# ls -al /var/lib/nagios/.local/share/signal-cli/
total 12
drwx------ 3 nagios nagios 4096 Jul 15 13:08 .
drwx------ 3 nagios nagios 4096 Jul 15 13:08 ..
drwx------ 2 nagios nagios 4096 Jul 15 13:08 data
nagios@mrMonitoring:/opt/signal-cli$ /opt/signal-cli/bin/signal-cli --config /var/lib/nagios/.local/share/signal-cli/data/ -u +43_NUMBER register
Captcha required for verification, use --captcha CAPTCHA
To get the token, go to
Check the developer tools (F12) console for a failed redirect to signalcaptcha://
Everything after signalcaptcha:// is the captcha token.
nagios@mrMonitoring:/opt/signal-cli$ /opt/signal-cli/bin/signal-cli --config /var/lib/nagios/.local/share/signal-cli/data/ -u +43_NUMBER_SENDER register --captcha "CAPTCHA_INFO_HIER"
nagios@mrMonitoring:/opt/signal-cli$ /opt/signal-cli/bin/signal-cli --config /var/lib/nagios/.local/share/signal-cli/data/ -u +43_NUMBER_SENDER verify NUMBERS_VERIFY_CODE
nagios@mrMonitoring:/opt/signal-cli$ /opt/signal-cli/bin/signal-cli --config /var/lib/nagios/.local/share/signal-cli/data/ -u +43_NUMBER_SENDER send -m "foo" +43_NUMBER_RECIPIENT

-- - aus der console bei developer tools den link ablesen fürs captcha
/opt/signal-cli/bin/signal-cli --config /var/lib/nagios/.local/share/signal-cli/data/ -u +SENDER_NUMBER send  -m 'FOO'  +RECIPIENT_NUMBER
Error while checking account +SENDER_NUMBER: PKIX path building failed: unable to find valid certification path to requested target
Yeah, new workaround works as well:

cd /usr/local/share/signal-cli/lib/
#if exists from previous workaround
rm -r tmp
mkdir tmp
mkdir hund
cd hund
cd ../tmp
unzip ../lib.jar 
mv ../hund/ org/asamk/signal/manager/config/
zip -r ../lib.jar org/ META-INF/
cd ..
rm -r tmp
rm -r hund

nagios performance data

Performance data

Nagios 3 and newer will concatenate the parts following a "|" in a) the first line output by the plugin, and b) in the second to last line, into a string it passes to whatever performance data processing it has configured. (Note that it currently does not insert additional whitespace between both, so the plugin needs to provide some to prevent the last pair of a) and the first of b) getting run together.) Please refer to the Nagios documentation for information on how to configure such processing. However, it is the responsibility of the plugin writer to ensure the performance data is in a "Nagios Plugins" format.

This is the expected format:



    space separated list of label/value pairs
    label can contain any characters except the equals sign or single quote (')
    the single quotes for the label are optional. Required if spaces are in the label
    label length is arbitrary, but ideally the first 19 characters are unique (due to a limitation in RRD). Be aware of a limitation in the amount of data that NRPE returns to Nagios
    to specify a quote character, use two single quotes
    warn, crit, min or max may be null (for example, if the threshold is not defined or min and max do not apply). Trailing unfilled semicolons can be dropped
    min and max are not required if UOM=%
    value, min and max in class [-0-9.]. Must all be the same UOM. value may be a literal "U" instead, this would indicate that the actual value couldn't be determined
    warn and crit are in the range format (see the Section called Threshold and Ranges). Must be the same UOM
    UOM (unit of measurement) is a string of zero or more characters, NOT including numbers, semicolons, or quotes. Some examples:

        no unit specified - assume a number (int or float) of things (eg, users, processes, load averages)
        s - seconds (also us, ms)
        % - percentage
        B - bytes (also KB, MB, TB)
        c - a continous counter (such as bytes transmitted on an interface)

It is up to third party programs to convert the Nagios Plugins performance data into graphs.

nagios custom plugins exit codes

Exit Code	Status
0	OK
1       WARNING
Plugin Output for Nagios

You should always print something to STDOUT that tells if the service is working or why it is failing. Try to keep the output short - probably less that 80 characters. Remember that you ideally would like the entire output to appear in a pager message, which will get chopped off after a certain length.

As Nagios does not capture stderr output, you should only output to STDOUT and not print to STDERR.
Print only one line of text

Starting with version 3, Nagios will process plugins' multi-line output, which should be formatted as:

SERVICE STATUS: First line of output | First part of performance data
Any number of subsequent lines of output, but note that buffers
may have a limited size | Second part of performance data, which
may have continuation lines, too

Note, however, that the default configs still do not include the output's continuation lines into the notifications sent when Nagios notifies contacts about potential problems. Thus, keep your output short and to the point.

Output should be in the format:

SERVICE STATUS: Information text

However, note that this is not a requirement of the API, so you cannot depend on this being an accurate reflection of the status of the service - the status should always be determined by the return code.
Verbose Output

Use the -v flag for verbose output. You should allow multiple-v options for additional verbosity, up to a maximum of 3. The standard type of output should be:

Table 1. Verbose output levels
Verbosity level	Type of output
0	Single line, minimal output. Summary
1	Single line, additional information (eg list processes that fail)
2	Multi line, configuration debug output (eg ps command used)
3	Lots of detail for plugin problem diagnosis
Screen Output

The plugin should print the diagnostic and just the usage part of the help message. A well written plugin would then have --help as a way to get the verbose help.

Code and output should try to respect the 80x25 size of a crt (remember when fixing stuff in the server room!)
Plugin Return Codes

The return codes below are based on the POSIX spec of returning a positive value. Netsaint prior to v0.0.7 supported non-POSIX compliant return code of "-1" for unknown. Nagios supports POSIX return codes by default.

Note: Some plugins will on occasion print on STDOUT that an error occurred and error code is 138 or 255 or some such number. These are usually caused by plugins using system commands and having not enough checks to catch unexpected output. Developers should include a default catch-all for system command output that returns an UNKNOWN return code.

Table 2. Plugin Return Codes
Numeric Value	Service Status	Status Description
0	OK	The plugin was able to check the service and it appeared to be functioning properly
1	Warning	The plugin was able to check the service, but it appeared to be above some "warning" threshold or did not appear to be working properly
2	Critical	The plugin detected that either the service was not running or it was above some "critical" threshold
3	Unknown	Invalid command line arguments were supplied to the plugin or low-level failures internal to the plugin (such as unable to fork, or open a tcp socket) that prevent it from performing the specified operation. Higher-level errors (such as name resolution errors, socket timeouts, etc) are outside of the control of plugins and should generally NOT be reported as UNKNOWN states.

dokuwiki twofactorauth

Switches Private VLAN/Port Isolation

#global cfg

 port-isolate group 1
 port-isolate group 2

interface GigabitEthernet1/0/1
 port-isolate enable group 1

Switches STP/RSTP/MSTP/Loopdetect

All commands can be displayed and executed in extended CLI mode. Switch to extended CLI mode? [Y/N]:y
Warning: Extended CLI mode is intended for developers to test the system. Before using commands in extended CLI mode, contact the Technical Support and make sure you know the potential impact on the device and the network.


[switch05]loopback-detection global enable vlan all

[switch05]interface range g1/0/1 to g1/0/48
[switch05-if-range]loopback-detection enable vlan all
[switch05-if-range]loopback-detection action block

[switch05]write changed 

<switch05>display loopback-detection 
Loopback detection is enabled.
Loopback detection interval is 30 second(s).
No loopback is detected.
Feb  1 06:47:47 IP %%10LPDT/4/LPDT_VLAN_LOOPED: Loopback exists on GigabitEthernet1/0/43 in VLAN 1.
Feb  1 06:47:47 IP %%10LPDT/4/LPDT_LOOPED: Loopback exists on GigabitEthernet1/0/41.
Feb  1 06:47:47 IP %%10LPDT/4/LPDT_VLAN_LOOPED: Loopback exists on GigabitEthernet1/0/41 in VLAN 1.
Feb  1 06:49:09 IP %%10LPDT/5/LPDT_VLAN_RECOVERED: Loopback on Ten-GigabitEthernet1/0/49 in VLAN 1 recovered.
Feb  1 06:49:09 IP %%10LPDT/5/LPDT_RECOVERED: Loopback on Ten-GigabitEthernet1/0/49 recovered.
Feb  1 06:49:09 IP %%10LPDT/5/LPDT_VLAN_RECOVERED: Loopback on Ten-GigabitEthernet1/0/52 in VLAN 1 recovered.



root@doku:~# cat dokuwiki_css_errors 
vim /var/www/doku/lib/exe/css.php +174
->     $less->importDir=array();
 array() definition before

sortablejs errors
root@doku:/var/www/doku/lib/plugins# rm -rf sortablejs/



Netzburgenland - Smartmeter


#REFERENCE_HEADING="Start;Ende;Verbrauch (kWh) - Hochtarif;Zählerstand (kWh) - Hochtarif;Verbrauch (kWh) - Hochtarif (Ersatzwerte);Zählerstand (kWh) - Hochtarif (Ersatzwerte)"
REFERENCE_HEADING="Start;Ende;Verbrauch (kWh) - 1.8.1;Zählerstand (kWh) - 1.8.1;Verbrauch (kWh) - 1.8.1 (Ersatzwerte);Zählerstand (kWh) - 1.8.1 (Ersatzwerte)"
WEBSITE_CONTENT=$(mktemp) || bailout "Couldn't create tmp file"
FIRST_COOKIES=$(mktemp) || bailout "Couldn't create tmp file"

SECOND_COOKIES=$(mktemp) || bailout "Couldn't create tmp file"
WEBSITE_LOGIN_RESPONSE=$(mktemp) || bailout "Couldn't create tmp file"

CSV_CONTENT_RESPONSE=$(mktemp) || bailout "Couldn't create tmp file"

function cleanup

function bailout
        echo -e "$1" >&2
	echo -e "\nUsage: $0 FILE_APPEND_VALUES_IF_SUCCESS" >&2
        exit 2

which wget >/dev/null || bailout "wget not found - check environment , please install"
which head > /dev/null || bailout "head not found - check environment , please install"
which iconv > /dev/null || bailout "iconv not found - check environment , please install"
which tail > /dev/null || bailout "tail not found - check environment , please install"

[[ "$#" != 1 ]] && bailout "Argument Count not valid !"


if [[ ! -f "$TARGET_FILE" ]]

 echo $REFERENCE_HEADING > "$TARGET_FILE" || bailout "Cannot write CSV Heading to file $TARGET_FILE" 


       head -n 1 "$TARGET_FILE"  | grep --fixed-strings -q "$REFERENCE_HEADING"



wget --timeout=90 --tries=1 -q  -O $WEBSITE_CONTENT --save-cookies $FIRST_COOKIES --keep-session-cookies || bailout "Couldn't execute wget query"

URL_POST=$(grep -o "*\" " $WEBSITE_CONTENT | tr -d "\"")

# 2022-11-16 cc: Bash Like Syntax for removing all occurences
# ${parameter//pattern/string}


POST_PARAMS=$(echo $URL_POST | grep -o "?.*" )


wget --timeout=90 --tries=1 -q -O $WEBSITE_LOGIN_RESPONSE --post-data "username=$USERNAME&password=$PASSWORD&$POST_PARAMS" "$URL_POST"  --load-cookies $FIRST_COOKIES --save-cookies $SECOND_COOKIES --keep-session-cookies || bailout "Couldn't establish valid session"

#2022-11-16 cc: choose your time frame 
#2022-11-19 cc: Always get all values beginning from current year up till now


wget -q --timeout=90 --tries=1  -O $CSV_CONTENT_RESPONSE $FETCH_URL  --load-cookies $SECOND_COOKIES  || bailout "Couldn't fetch CSV values from $previous_date to $current_date"

iconv -f ISO-8859-1 -t UTF-8//TRANSLIT $CSV_CONTENT_RESPONSE -o $CSV_CONTENT_RESPONSE || bailout "Couldn't convert CSV Content response from ISO to UTF-8 Format"

head -n 1 $CSV_CONTENT_RESPONSE  | grep --fixed-strings -q "$REFERENCE_HEADING" 


while read line ;
	KWH_VALUE=$(echo $line | cut -d";" -f 3);
	METER_COUNTER=$(echo $line | cut -d";" -f 4);

	if [[ -n "$KWH_VALUE"  &&  -n "$METER_COUNTER" ]] 

	grep -q --fixed-strings  "$line" "$TARGET_FILE"
		if [[ $? != "0" ]]
                        #2022-11-19 : in the original format there's a leading whitespace
			echo " $line" >> "$TARGET_FILE"


done < <( tail -n +2 $CSV_CONTENT_RESPONSE  ) 


exit 0
#2022-11-17 cc: thanks ,

set datafile separator ';'

set xdata time # tells gnuplot the x axis is time data
set timefmt "%d.%m.%Y" # specify our time string format
set format x "%d.%m" # otherwise it will show only MM:SS

set key autotitle columnhead
set ylabel "kw/h per day"
set xlabel "Date 2022"

set style line 100 lt 1 lc rgb "grey" lw 1.5 # linestyle for the grid
set ytics 0.5
#The difference of seconds between one entry to the next 1 day
set xtics 86400
#set xtics 3600
set grid ls 100

set y2tics # enable second axis
set ytics nomirror # dont show the tics on that side
set y2label "Zaehlerstand" # label for second axis

set style line 101 lw 0.5 lt rgb "#ff0000"
set style line 102 lw 0.5 lt rgb "#0000ff"

set terminal pngcairo size 1920,1080 enhanced font 'Segoe UI,10' 
set output 'power-usage-2022-10.png'

#original format
plot "2022-10.csv" using 1:3 with lines ls 101,'' using 1:4 with lines ls 102 axis x1y2

I-NET Provider Netzsperren

Internet ProviderSperreAnmerkungen
Drei Mobilfunk - Smartphone TarifTCP/25 ausgehendPort 587 für Submission wird erlaubt d.h. „Client Authentifizierung“ zum Versand
Magenta Mobilfunk - Smartphone Tarif-keine Sperre bei TCP/25


QNAP QNA-UC5G1T USB 3.0 auf 5GbE Adapter

^Croot@mrChief:/home/urnilxfgbez# iperf -c -t 600 -i 60 
Client connecting to, TCP port 5001
TCP window size: 85.0 KByte (default)
[  3] local port 41928 connected with port 5001
[ ID] Interval       Transfer     Bandwidth
[  3] 0.0000-60.0000 sec  22.4 GBytes  3.21 Gbits/sec
[  3] 60.0000-120.0000 sec  22.4 GBytes  3.21 Gbits/sec
[  3] 120.0000-180.0000 sec  22.4 GBytes  3.20 Gbits/sec
[  3] 180.0000-240.0000 sec  22.4 GBytes  3.21 Gbits/sec
[  3] 240.0000-300.0000 sec  22.4 GBytes  3.20 Gbits/sec
[  3] 300.0000-360.0000 sec  22.4 GBytes  3.21 Gbits/sec
[  3] 360.0000-420.0000 sec  22.4 GBytes  3.20 Gbits/sec
[  3] 420.0000-480.0000 sec  22.5 GBytes  3.23 Gbits/sec
[  3] 480.0000-540.0000 sec  22.7 GBytes  3.26 Gbits/sec
[  3] 540.0000-600.0000 sec  22.7 GBytes  3.25 Gbits/sec
[  3] 600.0000-600.0034 sec   256 KBytes   615 Mbits/sec
[  3] 0.0000-600.0034 sec   225 GBytes  3.22 Gbits/sec
root@mrChief:/home/urnilxfgbez# iperf -s
Server listening on TCP port 5001
TCP window size:  128 KByte (default)
[  4] local port 5001 connected with port 47624
[ ID] Interval       Transfer     Bandwidth
[  4] 0.0000-542.6689 sec  54.7 GBytes   866 Mbits/sec

Zyxel XGS1210-12

Banana Pi BPI-R3

To instruct the bootloader to install to SPI-NAND (A=1, B=1, C=1, D=1):

root@OpenWrt:/# fw_setenv bootcmd "env default bootcmd ; saveenv ; run ubi_init ; bootmenu 0"

root@OpenWrt:~# iw phy1-ap0 station dump
Station foo(on phy1-ap0)
	inactive time:	0 ms
	rx bytes:	5277012377
	rx packets:	3487455
	tx bytes:	28816729
	tx packets:	436536
	tx retries:	3060
	tx failed:	3060
	rx drop misc:	3
	signal:  	-45 [-56, -47, -51, -51] dBm
	signal avg:	-45 [-56, -47, -51, -51] dBm
	tx bitrate:	1200.9 MBit/s 80MHz HE-MCS 11 HE-NSS 2 HE-GI 0 HE-DCM 0
	tx duration:	4675820 us
	rx bitrate:	1200.9 MBit/s 80MHz HE-MCS 11 HE-NSS 2 HE-GI 0 HE-DCM 0
	rx duration:	38579461 us
	last ack signal:-42 dBm
	avg ack signal:	-41 dBm
	airtime weight: 256
	authorized:	yes
	authenticated:	yes
	associated:	yes
	preamble:	long
	WMM/WME:	yes
	MFP:		yes
	TDLS peer:	no
	DTIM period:	2
	beacon interval:100
	short slot time:yes
	connected time:	135 seconds
	associated at [boottime]:	208.409s
	associated at:	1709504237926 ms
	current time:	1709504373380 ms
[ ID] Interval       Transfer     Bandwidth
[  3] 0.0000-120.0001 sec  11.6 GBytes   828 Mbits/sec

NiPoGi Mini PC Alder Lake N100

Synology DS1513+

Banana Pi BPI-R3 Mini

    * mtd erase /dev/mtd0
    * dd if=mtk-bpi-r3mini-NAND-20230719-single-image.bin of=/dev/mtdblock0
root@OpenWrt:/tmp# echo 0 > /sys/block/mmcblk0boot0/force_ro
root@OpenWrt:/tmp#  dd if=bl2_emmc-r3mini.img of=/dev/mmcblk0boot0
390+1 records in
390+1 records out
root@OpenWrt:/tmp# dd if=mtk-bpi-r3mini-mac80211-EMMC-20231115-single-image.bin
136257+1 records in
136257+1 records out
root@OpenWrt:/tmp# mmc bootpart enable 1 1 /dev/mmcblk0

poweroff  & pin wieder auf emmc setzen um davon zu booten

Migration 1TB NVME to 2TB NVME

(parted) print
Model: ATA Samsung SSD 870 (scsi)
Disk /dev/sda: 2000GB
Sector size (logical/physical): 512B/512B
Partition Table: gpt
Disk Flags:

Number  Start   End     Size    File system  Name                  Flags
 1      1049kB  630MB   629MB   fat32        EFI system partition boot, esp
 2      630MB   1704MB  1074MB  ext4         Linux filesystem
 3      1704MB  1000GB  999GB                Linux filesystem

(parted) resizepart 3 2000GB
(parted) print
Model: ATA Samsung SSD 870 (scsi)
Disk /dev/sda: 2000GB
Sector size (logical/physical): 512B/512B
Partition Table: gpt
Disk Flags:

Number  Start   End     Size    File system  Name                  Flags
 1      1049kB  630MB   629MB   fat32        EFI system partition boot, esp
 2      630MB   1704MB  1074MB  ext4         Linux filesystem
 3      1704MB  2000GB  1998GB               Linux filesystem


root@mrChief:/home/urnilxfgbez# lsblk
sda            8:0    0   1.8T  0 disk
├─sda1         8:1    0   600M  0 part  /boot/efi
├─sda2         8:2    0     1G  0 part  /boot
└─sda3         8:3    0   1.8T  0 part
  └─ROOTIGES 253:0    0 929.9G  0 crypt /
root@mrChief:/home/urnilxfgbez# cryptsetup resize ROOTIGES
Enter passphrase for /dev/sda3:
root@mrChief:/home/urnilxfgbez# echo $?
root@mrChief:/home/urnilxfgbez# lsblk
sda            8:0    0  1.8T  0 disk
├─sda1         8:1    0  600M  0 part  /boot/efi
├─sda2         8:2    0    1G  0 part  /boot
└─sda3         8:3    0  1.8T  0 part
  └─ROOTIGES 253:0    0  1.8T  0 crypt /

  root@mrChief:/home/urnilxfgbez# resize2fs /dev/mapper/ROOTIGES
resize2fs 1.46.2 (28-Feb-2021)
Filesystem at /dev/mapper/ROOTIGES is mounted on /; on-line resizing required
old_desc_blocks = 117, new_desc_blocks = 233
The filesystem on /dev/mapper/ROOTIGES is now 487861154 (4k) blocks long.



FritzBox 6490

Download von bei git fehlte ./configure

ubuntu 18.04 - Dependencies
 apt-get install libfile-slurp-perl libjson-perl libsoap-lite-perl libxml-libxml-lazybuilder-perl libsnmp-session-perl libjson-xs-perl

nagios - Command definition:

define command {
command_name check_fritzbox
command_line $USER1$/check_nwc_health --timeout 25 -H $HOSTADDRESS$ --port 49000 --mode $ARG1$


nagios - Service Definition:

define service {
        use     generic-service
        host_name       fritzbox
        service_description UPTIME
        check_command   check_fritzbox!uptime

define service {
        use     generic-service
        host_name       fritzbox
        service_description INTERFACE_USAGE
        check_command   check_fritzbox!interface-usage


nagios - Host Definition:

define host{
        use             generic-host
        host_name       fritzbox
        alias           fritzbox

Brennenstuhl Premium-Web-Line V3

/usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_snmp -H IP -C public -o iso. -u watt -l centiwatt -w :2000 -c :4000
SNMP OK - centiwatt 1688 watt | centiwatt=1688;:2000;:4000

Dell - R710

Eaton Ellipse - USV - ECO 650 - USB

root@master:~# grep -v ^# /etc/nut/nut.conf 



root@master:~# grep -v ^# /etc/nut/upsd.conf 


root@master:~# lsusb  | grep MGE
Bus 001 Device 003: ID 0463:ffff MGE UPS Systems UPS

root@master:~# grep -v ^# /etc/nut/ups.conf 

maxretry = 3

driver = usbhid-ups
port = auto
vendorid = 0463


root@master:~# grep -v ^# /etc/nut/upsd.users 

password = PASSWORD
upsmon master


root@master:~# grep -v ^# /etc/nut/upsmon.conf 

MONITOR eaton@localhost 1 upsmonitor PASSWORD master


SHUTDOWNCMD "/sbin/shutdown -h +0"





POWERDOWNFLAG /etc/killpower





root@master:~# systemctl status nut-monitor
● nut-monitor.service - Network UPS Tools - power device monitor and shutdown controller
   Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/nut-monitor.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
   Active: active (running) since Wed 2022-04-20 08:27:06 CEST; 5min ago
  Process: 44056 ExecStart=/sbin/upsmon (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
 Main PID: 44058 (upsmon)
    Tasks: 2 (limit: 9479)
   Memory: 1.1M
   CGroup: /system.slice/nut-monitor.service
           ├─44057 /lib/nut/upsmon
           └─44058 /lib/nut/upsmon

Apr 20 08:27:06 master systemd[1]: Starting Network UPS Tools - power device monitor and shutdown controller...
Apr 20 08:27:06 master upsmon[44056]: fopen /var/run/nut/ No such file or directory
Apr 20 08:27:06 master upsmon[44056]: UPS: eaton@localhost (master) (power value 1)
Apr 20 08:27:06 master upsmon[44056]: Using power down flag file /etc/killpower
Apr 20 08:27:06 master systemd[1]: nut-monitor.service: Can't open PID file /run/nut/ (yet?) after start: No such file or directory
Apr 20 08:27:06 master upsmon[44057]: Startup successful
Apr 20 08:27:06 master systemd[1]: nut-monitor.service: Supervising process 44058 which is not our child. We'll most likely not notice when it exits.
Apr 20 08:27:06 master upsmon[44058]: Init SSL without certificate database
Apr 20 08:27:06 master systemd[1]: Started Network UPS Tools - power device monitor and shutdown controller.


root@master:~# systemctl status nut-server
● nut-server.service - Network UPS Tools - power devices information server
   Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/nut-server.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
   Active: active (running) since Wed 2022-04-20 08:25:27 CEST; 7min ago
  Process: 44017 ExecStart=/sbin/upsd (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
 Main PID: 44018 (upsd)
    Tasks: 1 (limit: 9479)
   Memory: 784.0K
   CGroup: /system.slice/nut-server.service
           └─44018 /lib/nut/upsd

Apr 20 08:25:27 master systemd[1]: Starting Network UPS Tools - power devices information server...
Apr 20 08:25:27 master upsd[44017]: fopen /var/run/nut/ No such file or directory
Apr 20 08:25:27 master upsd[44017]: listening on port 3493
Apr 20 08:25:27 master upsd[44017]: listening on port 3493
Apr 20 08:25:27 master upsd[44017]: Connected to UPS [eaton]: usbhid-ups-eaton
Apr 20 08:25:27 master upsd[44017]: Connected to UPS [eaton]: usbhid-ups-eaton
Apr 20 08:25:27 master upsd[44018]: Startup successful
Apr 20 08:25:27 master systemd[1]: Started Network UPS Tools - power devices information server.
Apr 20 08:27:06 master upsd[44018]: User upsmonitor@ logged into UPS [eaton]


root@master:~# systemctl status nut-driver
● nut-driver.service - Network UPS Tools - power device driver controller
   Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/nut-driver.service; static; vendor preset: enabled)
   Active: active (running) since Wed 2022-04-20 08:25:27 CEST; 7min ago
  Process: 44013 ExecStart=/sbin/upsdrvctl start (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
 Main PID: 44016 (usbhid-ups)
    Tasks: 1 (limit: 9479)
   Memory: 1004.0K
   CGroup: /system.slice/nut-driver.service
           └─44016 /lib/nut/usbhid-ups -a eaton

Apr 20 08:25:20 master systemd[1]: Starting Network UPS Tools - power device driver controller...
Apr 20 08:25:25 master upsdrvctl[44013]: Using subdriver: MGE HID 1.39
Apr 20 08:25:25 master upsdrvctl[44013]: Network UPS Tools - Generic HID driver 0.41 (2.7.4)
Apr 20 08:25:25 master upsdrvctl[44013]: USB communication driver 0.33
Apr 20 08:25:27 master upsdrvctl[44013]: Network UPS Tools - UPS driver controller 2.7.4
Apr 20 08:25:27 master systemd[1]: Started Network UPS Tools - power device driver controller.
Apr 20 08:25:27 master usbhid-ups[44016]: Startup successful


UPS Communication Debugging:

root@master:~# upsc eaton
Init SSL without certificate database
battery.charge: 100
battery.charge.low: 20
battery.runtime: 1875
battery.type: PbAc
device.mfr: EATON
device.model: Ellipse ECO 650
device.serial: 000000000
device.type: ups usbhid-ups
driver.parameter.pollfreq: 30
driver.parameter.pollinterval: 2
driver.parameter.port: auto
driver.parameter.synchronous: no
driver.parameter.vendorid: 0463
driver.version: 2.7.4 MGE HID 1.39
driver.version.internal: 0.41
input.transfer.high: 264
input.transfer.low: 184
outlet.1.desc: PowerShare Outlet 1 2
outlet.1.status: on
outlet.1.switchable: no
outlet.2.desc: PowerShare Outlet 2 3
outlet.2.status: on
outlet.2.switchable: no
outlet.desc: Main Outlet 1
outlet.power: 25
outlet.switchable: no
output.frequency.nominal: 50
output.voltage: 230.0
output.voltage.nominal: 230
ups.beeper.status: enabled
ups.delay.shutdown: 20
ups.delay.start: 30
ups.firmware: 02
ups.load: 13
ups.mfr: EATON
ups.model: Ellipse ECO 650
ups.power.nominal: 650
ups.productid: ffff
ups.serial: 000000000
ups.status: OL
ups.timer.shutdown: 0
ups.timer.start: 0
ups.vendorid: 0463


root@master:~# upscmd -l eaton
Instant commands supported on UPS [eaton]:

beeper.disable - Disable the UPS beeper
beeper.enable - Enable the UPS beeper
beeper.mute - Temporarily mute the UPS beeper - Obsolete (use beeper.disable or beeper.mute)
beeper.on - Obsolete (use beeper.enable) - Turn off the load immediately - Turn off the load with a delay (seconds)
load.on - Turn on the load immediately
load.on.delay - Turn on the load with a delay (seconds)
shutdown.return - Turn off the load and return when power is back
shutdown.stayoff - Turn off the load and remain off
shutdown.stop - Stop a shutdown in progress

APC - USV - UPS-ES-700

APC - USV - Smart-UPS RT2000

APC - USV - Smart-UPS 750

APC - USV - Management Card

HP Microserver Gen10 Plus

Software RAID Tests S100i

CrystalDiskMark 8.0.1 x64 (C) 2007-2021 hiyohiyo
                                  Crystal Dew World:
* MB/s = 1,000,000 bytes/s [SATA/600 = 600,000,000 bytes/s]
* KB = 1000 bytes, KiB = 1024 bytes

  SEQ    1MiB (Q=  8, T= 1):   267.799 MB/s [    255.4 IOPS] < 31080.81 us>
  SEQ    1MiB (Q=  1, T= 1):   208.463 MB/s [    198.8 IOPS] <  5026.58 us>
  RND    4KiB (Q= 32, T= 1):     4.280 MB/s [   1044.9 IOPS] < 30321.43 us>
  RND    4KiB (Q=  1, T= 1):     0.607 MB/s [    148.2 IOPS] <  6733.51 us>

  SEQ    1MiB (Q=  8, T= 1):   267.846 MB/s [    255.4 IOPS] < 31023.84 us>
  SEQ    1MiB (Q=  1, T= 1):   243.702 MB/s [    232.4 IOPS] <  4296.21 us>
  RND    4KiB (Q= 32, T= 1):     2.805 MB/s [    684.8 IOPS] < 46330.22 us>
  RND    4KiB (Q=  1, T= 1):     2.585 MB/s [    631.1 IOPS] <  1579.26 us>

Profile: Default
   Test: 1 GiB (x5) [C: 0% (11/3725GiB)]
   Mode: [Admin]
   Time: Measure 5 sec / Interval 5 sec 
   Date: 2021/04/08 15:04:17
     OS: Windows Server 2016 Server Standard (full installation) [10.0 Build 14393] (x64)
CrystalDiskMark 8.0.1 x64 (C) 2007-2021 hiyohiyo
                                  Crystal Dew World:
* MB/s = 1,000,000 bytes/s [SATA/600 = 600,000,000 bytes/s]
* KB = 1000 bytes, KiB = 1024 bytes

  SEQ    1MiB (Q=  8, T= 1):   300.299 MB/s [    286.4 IOPS] < 27643.07 us>
  SEQ    1MiB (Q=  1, T= 1):   210.338 MB/s [    200.6 IOPS] <  4962.84 us>
  RND    4KiB (Q= 32, T= 1):     4.359 MB/s [   1064.2 IOPS] < 29797.25 us>
  RND    4KiB (Q=  1, T= 1):     0.593 MB/s [    144.8 IOPS] <  6889.28 us>

  SEQ    1MiB (Q=  8, T= 1):   239.316 MB/s [    228.2 IOPS] < 34810.64 us>
  SEQ    1MiB (Q=  1, T= 1):    65.638 MB/s [     62.6 IOPS] < 15942.03 us>
  RND    4KiB (Q= 32, T= 1):     1.789 MB/s [    436.8 IOPS] < 72190.45 us>
  RND    4KiB (Q=  1, T= 1):     0.289 MB/s [     70.6 IOPS] < 14102.20 us>

Profile: Default
   Test: 1 GiB (x5) [C: 0% (11/3725GiB)]
   Mode: [Admin]
   Time: Measure 5 sec / Interval 5 sec 
   Date: 2021/04/08 17:05:44
     OS: Windows Server 2019 Server Standard (full installation) [10.0 Build 17763] (x64)
CrystalDiskMark 8.0.1 x64 (C) 2007-2021 hiyohiyo
                                  Crystal Dew World:
* MB/s = 1,000,000 bytes/s [SATA/600 = 600,000,000 bytes/s]
* KB = 1000 bytes, KiB = 1024 bytes

  SEQ    1MiB (Q=  8, T= 1):  1923.636 MB/s [   1834.5 IOPS] <  4352.23 us>
  SEQ    1MiB (Q=  1, T= 1):  1177.983 MB/s [   1123.4 IOPS] <   889.57 us>
  RND    4KiB (Q= 32, T= 1):   409.800 MB/s [ 100048.8 IOPS] <   312.40 us>
  RND    4KiB (Q=  1, T= 1):    47.919 MB/s [  11699.0 IOPS] <    85.32 us>

  SEQ    1MiB (Q=  8, T= 1):   464.260 MB/s [    442.8 IOPS] < 17985.56 us>
  SEQ    1MiB (Q=  1, T= 1):   294.616 MB/s [    281.0 IOPS] <  3555.97 us>
  RND    4KiB (Q= 32, T= 1):    52.429 MB/s [  12800.0 IOPS] <  2495.48 us>
  RND    4KiB (Q=  1, T= 1):     2.205 MB/s [    538.3 IOPS] <  1855.12 us>

Profile: Default
   Test: 1 GiB (x5) [C: 1% (11/931GiB)]
   Mode: [Admin]
   Time: Measure 5 sec / Interval 5 sec 
   Date: 2021/04/09 16:53:40
     OS: Windows Server 2019 Server Standard (full installation) [10.0 Build 17763] (x64)
CrystalDiskMark 8.0.1 x64 (C) 2007-2021 hiyohiyo
                                  Crystal Dew World:
* MB/s = 1,000,000 bytes/s [SATA/600 = 600,000,000 bytes/s]
* KB = 1000 bytes, KiB = 1024 bytes

  SEQ    1MiB (Q=  8, T= 1):  1939.709 MB/s [   1849.9 IOPS] <  4279.09 us>
  SEQ    1MiB (Q=  1, T= 1):  1070.043 MB/s [   1020.5 IOPS] <   979.29 us>
  RND    4KiB (Q= 32, T= 1):   404.744 MB/s [  98814.5 IOPS] <   316.02 us>
  RND    4KiB (Q=  1, T= 1):    47.503 MB/s [  11597.4 IOPS] <    86.02 us>

  SEQ    1MiB (Q=  8, T= 1):   167.128 MB/s [    159.4 IOPS] < 49750.99 us>
  SEQ    1MiB (Q=  1, T= 1):   116.178 MB/s [    110.8 IOPS] <  9013.80 us>
  RND    4KiB (Q= 32, T= 1):     9.607 MB/s [   2345.5 IOPS] < 13594.10 us>
  RND    4KiB (Q=  1, T= 1):     2.007 MB/s [    490.0 IOPS] <  2038.83 us>

Profile: Default
   Test: 1 GiB (x5) [C: 1% (11/1397GiB)]
   Mode: [Admin]
   Time: Measure 5 sec / Interval 5 sec 
   Date: 2021/04/10 11:57:57
     OS: Windows Server 2019 Server Standard (full installation) [10.0 Build 17763] (x64)
CrystalDiskMark 8.0.1 x64 (C) 2007-2021 hiyohiyo
                                  Crystal Dew World:
* MB/s = 1,000,000 bytes/s [SATA/600 = 600,000,000 bytes/s]
* KB = 1000 bytes, KiB = 1024 bytes

  SEQ    1MiB (Q=  8, T= 1):  1952.294 MB/s [   1861.9 IOPS] <  4242.93 us>
  SEQ    1MiB (Q=  1, T= 1):  1072.455 MB/s [   1022.8 IOPS] <   977.18 us>
  RND    4KiB (Q= 32, T= 1):   404.142 MB/s [  98667.5 IOPS] <   313.92 us>
  RND    4KiB (Q=  1, T= 1):    48.063 MB/s [  11734.1 IOPS] <    85.05 us>

  SEQ    1MiB (Q=  8, T= 1):   147.002 MB/s [    140.2 IOPS] < 56671.01 us>
  SEQ    1MiB (Q=  1, T= 1):   106.959 MB/s [    102.0 IOPS] <  9779.59 us>
  RND    4KiB (Q= 32, T= 1):     9.537 MB/s [   2328.4 IOPS] < 13700.44 us>
  RND    4KiB (Q=  1, T= 1):     2.009 MB/s [    490.5 IOPS] <  2036.38 us>

Profile: Default
   Test: 1 GiB (x5) [C: 1% (11/1397GiB)]
   Mode: [Admin]
   Time: Measure 5 sec / Interval 5 sec 
   Date: 2021/04/10 12:37:57
     OS: Windows Server 2019 Server Standard (full installation) [10.0 Build 17763] (x64)
CrystalDiskMark 8.0.1 x64 (C) 2007-2021 hiyohiyo
                                  Crystal Dew World:
* MB/s = 1,000,000 bytes/s [SATA/600 = 600,000,000 bytes/s]
* KB = 1000 bytes, KiB = 1024 bytes

  SEQ    1MiB (Q=  8, T= 1):  1113.818 MB/s [   1062.2 IOPS] <  7516.94 us>
  SEQ    1MiB (Q=  1, T= 1):   721.250 MB/s [    687.8 IOPS] <  1453.19 us>
  RND    4KiB (Q= 32, T= 1):   405.010 MB/s [  98879.4 IOPS] <   321.88 us>
  RND    4KiB (Q=  1, T= 1):    38.070 MB/s [   9294.4 IOPS] <   107.36 us>

  SEQ    1MiB (Q=  8, T= 1):   252.066 MB/s [    240.4 IOPS] < 33103.10 us>
  SEQ    1MiB (Q=  1, T= 1):   204.272 MB/s [    194.8 IOPS] <  5126.56 us>
  RND    4KiB (Q= 32, T= 1):    30.194 MB/s [   7371.6 IOPS] <  4301.41 us>
  RND    4KiB (Q=  1, T= 1):     6.959 MB/s [   1699.0 IOPS] <   587.67 us>

Profile: Default
   Test: 1 GiB (x5) [C: 0% (11/3725GiB)]
   Mode: [Admin]
   Time: Measure 5 sec / Interval 5 sec 
   Date: 2021/04/12 16:26:27
     OS: Windows Server 2019 Server Standard (full installation) [10.0 Build 17763] (x64)
CrystalDiskMark 8.0.1 x64 (C) 2007-2021 hiyohiyo
                                  Crystal Dew World:
* MB/s = 1,000,000 bytes/s [SATA/600 = 600,000,000 bytes/s]
* KB = 1000 bytes, KiB = 1024 bytes

  SEQ    1MiB (Q=  8, T= 1):   633.306 MB/s [    604.0 IOPS] < 13218.15 us>
  SEQ    1MiB (Q=  1, T= 1):   474.579 MB/s [    452.6 IOPS] <  2207.90 us>
  RND    4KiB (Q= 32, T= 1):     5.724 MB/s [   1397.5 IOPS] < 22638.94 us>
  RND    4KiB (Q=  1, T= 1):     0.942 MB/s [    230.0 IOPS] <  4342.87 us>

  SEQ    1MiB (Q=  8, T= 1):   470.154 MB/s [    448.4 IOPS] < 17709.13 us>
  SEQ    1MiB (Q=  1, T= 1):   124.802 MB/s [    119.0 IOPS] <  8390.17 us>
  RND    4KiB (Q= 32, T= 1):     5.405 MB/s [   1319.6 IOPS] < 24114.28 us>
  RND    4KiB (Q=  1, T= 1):     4.406 MB/s [   1075.7 IOPS] <   928.29 us>

Profile: Default
   Test: 1 GiB (x5) [D: 0% (0/7146GiB)]
   Mode: [Admin]
   Time: Measure 5 sec / Interval 5 sec 
   Date: 2021/04/21 17:15:43
     OS: Windows Server 2019 Server Standard (full installation) [10.0 Build 17763] (x64)

HP Smart Array P440

HP 255 G7

HP ProBook 440 G7


  1. Rechner vom Strom nehmen
  2. Auffinden des Jumpers / Position auf 2-3 wechseln
  3. Rechner mit Strom versorgen / Tastatur / Bootet im „Clear Bios Modus“
  4. Clear BIOS Passwort entfernen / speichern
  5. Rechner vom Strom nehmen
  6. Ursprüngliche Jumper Konfiguration wieder herstellen
  7. Rechner wieder mit Strom versorgen

Bus 003 Device 003: ID 0ea0:7301 Ours Technology, Inc. SmartKMLink
root@mrWhiteGhost:/home/urnilxfgbez# iperf -c -t 300 -i 60
Client connecting to, TCP port 5001
TCP window size:  476 KByte (default)
[  3] local port 45776 connected with port 5001
[ ID] Interval       Transfer     Bandwidth
[  3]  0.0-60.0 sec  8.99 GBytes  1.29 Gbits/sec
[  3] 60.0-120.0 sec  8.97 GBytes  1.28 Gbits/sec
[  3] 120.0-180.0 sec  8.99 GBytes  1.29 Gbits/sec
[  3] 180.0-240.0 sec  8.98 GBytes  1.29 Gbits/sec
[  3] 240.0-300.0 sec  8.98 GBytes  1.29 Gbits/sec
[  3]  0.0-300.0 sec  44.9 GBytes  1.29 Gbits/sec

root@mrWhiteGhost:/home/urnilxfgbez# ip addr ls usb0
8: usb0: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc pfifo_fast state UNKNOWN group default qlen 1000
    link/ether 8e:0b:6e:2c:e1:d2 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
    inet brd scope global usb0
       valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
root@mrWhiteGhost:/home/urnilxfgbez# ethtool usb0
Settings for usb0:
	Current message level: 0x00000007 (7)
			       drv probe link
	Link detected: yes


HP ML350 Gen9 / HP Microserver gen8

This is a known issue with Broadcom NetXtreme 1-gigabit network adapters that use the b57nd60a.sys driver, when VMQ is enabled on the network adapter. (By default, VMQ is enabled by the Broadcom network driver.)

Broadcom designates these network adapters as 57xx based chipsets. They include 5714, 5715, 5717, 5718, 5719, 5720, 5721, 5722, 5723, and 5780. 
These network adapters are also sold under different model numbers by some server OEMs. HP sells these drivers under model numbers NC1xx, NC3xx, and NC7xx. You may be using driver version 16.2, 16.4, or 16.6, depending on which OEM version you are using or whether you are using the Broadcom driver version. 
This issue is resolved in Broadcom driver b57nd60a.sys version 16.8 and newer. In March 2015, Broadcom published driver version 17.0 for download. In April 2015, HP published version 16.8 of the driver for their affected network adapters, here is one of their download locations. Please contact your server OEM if you need a driver that is specific to your server.

If you are unable to update your network adapter driver to resolve the issue, you can work around the issue by disabling VMQ on each affected Broadcom network adapter by using the Set-NetAdapterVmq Windows PowerShell command. For example, if you have a dual-port network adapter, and if the ports are named NIC 1 and NIC 2 in Windows, you would disable VMQ on each adapter by using the following commands:

Set-NetAdapterVmq -Name "NIC 1" -Enabled $False
Set-NetAdapterVmq -Name "NIC 2" -Enabled $False
You can confirm that VMQ is disabled on the correct network adapters by using the Get-NetAdapterVmq Windows PowerShell command.

Note By default, VMQ is disabled on the Hyper-V virtual switch for virtual machines that are using 1-gigabit network adapters. VMQ is enabled on a Hyper-V virtual switch only when the system is using 10-gigabit or faster network adapters. This means that by disabling VMQ on the Broadcom network adapter, you are not losing network performance or any other benefits because this is the default. However, you need to do this to work around the driver issue.

Get-NetAdapterVmqQueue shows the virtual machine queues (VMQs) that are allocated on network adapters. You will not see any virtual machine queues that are allocated to 1-gigabit network adapters by default.

Hardware RAID Controller 7.2k RAID1 vs SSD RAID10

CrystalDiskMark 7.0.0 x64 (C) 2007-2019 hiyohiyo
                                  Crystal Dew World:
* MB/s = 1,000,000 bytes/s [SATA/600 = 600,000,000 bytes/s]
* KB = 1000 bytes, KiB = 1024 bytes

Sequential 1MiB (Q=  8, T= 1):  2917.503 MB/s [   2782.3 IOPS] <  2872.92 us>
Sequential 1MiB (Q=  1, T= 1):  1146.174 MB/s [   1093.1 IOPS] <   913.20 us>
    Random 4KiB (Q= 32, T=16):   479.321 MB/s [ 117021.7 IOPS] <  4370.88 us>
    Random 4KiB (Q=  1, T= 1):    33.044 MB/s [   8067.4 IOPS] <   123.25 us>

Sequential 1MiB (Q=  8, T= 1):  1079.696 MB/s [   1029.7 IOPS] <  7743.43 us>
Sequential 1MiB (Q=  1, T= 1):  1051.736 MB/s [   1003.0 IOPS] <   994.51 us>
    Random 4KiB (Q= 32, T=16):   162.600 MB/s [  39697.3 IOPS] < 12873.30 us>
    Random 4KiB (Q=  1, T= 1):    63.628 MB/s [  15534.2 IOPS] <    63.89 us>

Profile: Default
   Test: 1 GiB (x5) [Interval: 5 sec] <DefaultAffinity=DISABLED>
   Date: 2020/06/17 13:21:10
     OS: Windows Server 2019 Server Standard (full installation) [10.0 Build 17763] (x64)

CrystalDiskMark 7.0.0 x64 (C) 2007-2019 hiyohiyo
                                  Crystal Dew World:
* MB/s = 1,000,000 bytes/s [SATA/600 = 600,000,000 bytes/s]
* KB = 1000 bytes, KiB = 1024 bytes

Sequential 1MiB (Q=  8, T= 1):   512.458 MB/s [    488.7 IOPS] < 16287.11 us>
Sequential 1MiB (Q=  1, T= 1):   434.599 MB/s [    414.5 IOPS] <  2409.16 us>
    Random 4KiB (Q= 32, T=16):    12.390 MB/s [   3024.9 IOPS] <162041.59 us>
    Random 4KiB (Q=  1, T= 1):     1.385 MB/s [    338.1 IOPS] <  2946.58 us>

Sequential 1MiB (Q=  8, T= 1):   293.193 MB/s [    279.6 IOPS] < 28396.52 us>
Sequential 1MiB (Q=  1, T= 1):   282.474 MB/s [    269.4 IOPS] <  3703.09 us>
    Random 4KiB (Q= 32, T=16):    11.424 MB/s [   2789.1 IOPS] <180483.72 us>
    Random 4KiB (Q=  1, T= 1):    10.530 MB/s [   2570.8 IOPS] <   386.99 us>

Profile: Default
   Test: 1 GiB (x5) [Interval: 5 sec] <DefaultAffinity=DISABLED>
   Date: 2020/06/17 13:28:21
     OS: Windows Server 2019 Server Standard (full installation) [10.0 Build 17763] (x64)

SSD Hardware RAID6 vs SSD Hardware RAID10

CrystalDiskMark 5.2.1 x64 (C) 2007-2017 hiyohiyo
                           Crystal Dew World :
* MB/s = 1,000,000 bytes/s [SATA/600 = 600,000,000 bytes/s]
* KB = 1000 bytes, KiB = 1024 bytes

   Sequential Read (Q= 32,T= 1) :  2006.851 MB/s
  Sequential Write (Q= 32,T= 1) :   190.731 MB/s
  Random Read 4KiB (Q= 32,T= 1) :   592.878 MB/s [144745.6 IOPS]
 Random Write 4KiB (Q= 32,T= 1) :    51.100 MB/s [ 12475.6 IOPS]
         Sequential Read (T= 1) :   879.952 MB/s
        Sequential Write (T= 1) :   213.913 MB/s
   Random Read 4KiB (Q= 1,T= 1) :    35.123 MB/s [  8575.0 IOPS]
  Random Write 4KiB (Q= 1,T= 1) :     5.817 MB/s [  1420.2 IOPS]

  Test : 2048 MiB [H: 0.0% (0.6/14903.8 GiB)] (x5)  [Interval=5 sec]
  Date : 2021/03/02 20:00:56
    OS : Windows Server 2012 R2 Server Standard (full installation) [6.3 Build 9600] (x64)
CrystalDiskMark 5.2.1 x64 (C) 2007-2017 hiyohiyo
                           Crystal Dew World :
* MB/s = 1,000,000 bytes/s [SATA/600 = 600,000,000 bytes/s]
* KB = 1000 bytes, KiB = 1024 bytes

   Sequential Read (Q= 32,T= 1) :  2048.179 MB/s
  Sequential Write (Q= 32,T= 1) :   854.591 MB/s
  Random Read 4KiB (Q= 32,T= 1) :   589.887 MB/s [144015.4 IOPS]
 Random Write 4KiB (Q= 32,T= 1) :    88.498 MB/s [ 21606.0 IOPS]
         Sequential Read (T= 1) :   905.657 MB/s
        Sequential Write (T= 1) :   318.575 MB/s
   Random Read 4KiB (Q= 1,T= 1) :    34.334 MB/s [  8382.3 IOPS]
  Random Write 4KiB (Q= 1,T= 1) :     7.571 MB/s [  1848.4 IOPS]

  Test : 2048 MiB [H: 0.0% (0.5/11177.8 GiB)] (x5)  [Interval=5 sec]
  Date : 2021/03/02 21:54:01
    OS : Windows Server 2012 R2 Server Standard (full installation) [6.3 Build 9600] (x64)

Software RAID1 SSD vs 15K Hardware RAID SAS RAID1

CrystalDiskMark 5.2.1 x64 (C) 2007-2017 hiyohiyo
                           Crystal Dew World :
* MB/s = 1,000,000 bytes/s [SATA/600 = 600,000,000 bytes/s]
* KB = 1000 bytes, KiB = 1024 bytes

   Sequential Read (Q= 32,T= 1) :   436.417 MB/s
  Sequential Write (Q= 32,T= 1) :   474.819 MB/s
  Random Read 4KiB (Q= 32,T= 1) :    14.301 MB/s [  3491.5 IOPS]
 Random Write 4KiB (Q= 32,T= 1) :   116.758 MB/s [ 28505.4 IOPS]
         Sequential Read (T= 1) :   506.653 MB/s
        Sequential Write (T= 1) :   406.023 MB/s
   Random Read 4KiB (Q= 1,T= 1) :     3.965 MB/s [   968.0 IOPS]
  Random Write 4KiB (Q= 1,T= 1) :    91.430 MB/s [ 22321.8 IOPS]

  Test : 2048 MiB [C: 24.3% (67.7/278.8 GiB)] (x5)  [Interval=5 sec]
  Date : 2019/07/02 14:20:51
    OS : Windows Server 2012 R2 Server Standard (full installation) [6.3 Build 9600] (x64)
CrystalDiskMark 5.2.1 x64 (C) 2007-2017 hiyohiyo
                           Crystal Dew World :
* MB/s = 1,000,000 bytes/s [SATA/600 = 600,000,000 bytes/s]
* KB = 1000 bytes, KiB = 1024 bytes

   Sequential Read (Q= 32,T= 1) :  1045.927 MB/s
  Sequential Write (Q= 32,T= 1) :   500.788 MB/s
  Random Read 4KiB (Q= 32,T= 1) :   218.880 MB/s [ 53437.5 IOPS]
 Random Write 4KiB (Q= 32,T= 1) :   119.822 MB/s [ 29253.4 IOPS]
         Sequential Read (T= 1) :   523.572 MB/s
        Sequential Write (T= 1) :   490.762 MB/s
   Random Read 4KiB (Q= 1,T= 1) :    38.264 MB/s [  9341.8 IOPS]
  Random Write 4KiB (Q= 1,T= 1) :    79.639 MB/s [ 19443.1 IOPS]

  Test : 2048 MiB [C: 3.8% (8.9/232.5 GiB)] (x5)  [Interval=5 sec]
  Date : 2015/11/03 1:46:30
    OS : Windows Server 2012 R2 Server Standard (full installation) [6.3 Build 9600] (x64)

Software INTEL FAKE RAID1 SSD (2x 8TB Samsung PM893)

CrystalDiskMark 5.2.1 x64 (C) 2007-2017 hiyohiyo
                           Crystal Dew World :
* MB/s = 1,000,000 bytes/s [SATA/600 = 600,000,000 bytes/s]
* KB = 1000 bytes, KiB = 1024 bytes

   Sequential Read (Q= 32,T= 1) :  1092.092 MB/s
  Sequential Write (Q= 32,T= 1) :   502.314 MB/s
  Random Read 4KiB (Q= 32,T= 1) :   249.074 MB/s [ 60809.1 IOPS]
 Random Write 4KiB (Q= 32,T= 1) :   186.275 MB/s [ 45477.3 IOPS]
         Sequential Read (T= 1) :  1031.144 MB/s
        Sequential Write (T= 1) :   479.743 MB/s
   Random Read 4KiB (Q= 1,T= 1) :    29.275 MB/s [  7147.2 IOPS]
  Random Write 4KiB (Q= 1,T= 1) :    62.193 MB/s [ 15183.8 IOPS]

  Test : 4096 MiB [D: 55.1% (3601.3/6531.9 GiB)] (x5)  [Interval=5 sec]
  Date : 2023/08/03 10:09:43
    OS : Windows Server 2016 Server Standard (full installation) [10.0 Build 17763] (x64)

HP ProCurve 2510-48G

OID / temperatur State (

State	Description
1	Invalid Value
3	Bad
3	Warning
4	Good
5	Not Present

HPE1950 - 48G

User view commands:
  display       Display current system information
  exit          Alias for 'quit'
  initialize    Delete the startup configuration file and reboot system
  ipsetup       IP configuration
  no            Alias for 'undo'
  password      Specify password of local user
  ping          Ping function
  poe           Power over Ethernet
  quit          Exit from current command view
  reboot        Reboot operation
  show          Alias for 'display'
  summary       Display summary information of the device
  telnet        Establish a telnet connection
  transceiver   Enable transceiver phony alarm
  undo          Cancel current setting
  upgrade       Upgrade the system boot file or the Boot ROM program
  xtd-cli-mode  Switch to extended CLI mode to display and execute all commands 
                (special authorization required)

All commands can be displayed and executed in extended CLI mode. Switch to extended CLI mode? [Y/N]:y
Warning: Extended CLI mode is intended for developers to test the system. Before using commands in extended CLI mode, contact the Technical Support and make sure you know the potential impact on the device and the network.
User view commands:
  archive             Archive configuration
  arp                 Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) module
  backup              Backup operation
  boot-loader         Software image file management
  bootrom             Update/read/backup/restore bootrom
  cd                  Change current directory
  cfd                 Connectivity Fault Detection (CFD) module
  clock               Specify the system clock
  copy                Copy a file
  debugging           Enable system debugging functions
  delete              Delete a file
  diagnostic-logfile  Diagnostic log file configuration
  dir                 Display files and directories on the storage media
  display             Display current system information
  erase               Alias for 'delete'
  exception           Exception information configuration
  exit                Alias for 'quit'
  fdisk               Partition a storage medium
  fixdisk             Check and repair a storage medium
  format              Format a storage medium
  free                Release a connection
  ftp                 Open an FTP connection
  gunzip              Decompress file


HP 1950 / 48 Port / 2 10 Gbit - 2 SFP+



HP 1950 / 16 Port 10 Gbit Ports - 4 SFP+


HP 1950 / 48 Port / 2 10 Gbit - 2 SFP+

HP 1950 / 16 Port 10 Gbit Ports - 4 SFP+

HPE1920 - 48G

bin $ cat /proc/version 
Linux version 3.3.8 (jenkins@sohoiapbuild) (gcc version 4.3.3 (GCC) ) #1 Tue Jun 30 11:11:17 CST 2020

/bin $ cliclientd stopcs
/bin $ Success.

/bin $ 
Performance direkt auf die Firewall - vom HP ProBook aus (rtw_8822ce, 5.10.0-0.bpo.5-amd64 , Debian Buste) über 5GHZ, Abstand ~30cm )

Push vom Notebook aus

urnilxfgbez@mrWhiteGhost:~$ iperf -c firewall -t 120 -i 60
Client connecting to firewall, TCP port 5001
TCP window size: 85.0 KByte (default)
[  3] local notebook port 48924 connected with firewall port 5001
[ ID] Interval       Transfer     Bandwidth
[  3]  0.0-60.0 sec  4.32 GBytes   619 Mbits/sec
[  3] 60.0-120.0 sec  4.06 GBytes   581 Mbits/sec

andere Richtung:

push von Firewall aus

root@mrGatekeeper:~# iperf -c notebook -t 120 -i 60
Client connecting to notebook, TCP port 5001
TCP window size: 85.0 KByte (default)
[  3] local firewall port 36766 connected with notebook port 5001
[ ID] Interval       Transfer     Bandwidth
[  3]  0.0-60.0 sec  1.74 GBytes   250 Mbits/sec
[  3] 60.0-120.0 sec  1.69 GBytes   242 Mbits/sec
[  3]  0.0-120.0 sec  3.43 GBytes   246 Mbits/sec

Aruba 2930F

Changes in Syntax HP Pro Curve -> HP Aruba 2930F:

Header im File beim upload: 
; JL254A Configuration Editor; Created on release #WC.16.11.0003
; Ver

Offenbar syntaktisches Laden von cli Elementen:
module 1 type jl254aa

sntp server -> sntp server priority 1

read only snmp community:

snmp-server community "public"
Switchxx# configure
Switchxx(config)# show lacp


           LACP      Trunk     Port                LACP      Admin   Oper
   Port    Enabled   Group     Status    Partner   Status    Key     Key
   -----   -------   -------   -------   -------   -------   ------  ------
   23      Active    Trk9      Down      No        Success   0       540   
   24      Active    Trk9      Down      No        Success   0       540   

Switchxx(config)# show trunks 

 Load Balancing Method:  L3-based (default)

  Port   | Name                             Type       | Group Type    
  ------ + -------------------------------- ---------- + ----- --------
  23     |                                  100/1000T  | Trk9  LACP    
  24     |                                  100/1000T  | Trk9  LACP    

Switchxx(config)# no trunk 23-24
Switchxx(config)# show trunks 

 Load Balancing Method:  L3-based (default)

  Port   | Name                             Type       | Group Type    
  ------ + -------------------------------- ---------- + ----- --------

Aruba 5400R zl2

HP-Switch-5406Rzl2# show config files

Configuration files:

 id | act pri sec | name
  1 |  *   *   *  | default-config-dhcp
  2 |             | config-core-ported
  3 |             | 
  4 |             | 
  5 |             | 

HP-Switch-5406Rzl2# startup-default pri config config-core-ported
This will change the default configuration file used when the switch boots.

Continue (y/n)? y

Aruba AP-505-RW

Configuring Client Isolation

To enable Client Isolation and disable all peer-to-peer communication, enable the deny-intra-vlan-traffic parameter in the respective WLAN SSID or wired profile. The following is the syntax to enable deny-intra-vlan-traffic under wlan ssid-profile and wired-port-profile command:

(Instant AP)(config) # wlan ssid-profile <profile name>

(Instant AP)(SSID Profile "<profile name>") # deny-intra-vlan-traffic


(Instant AP)(config) # wired-port-profile <profile name>

(Instant AP)(wired ap profile "<profile name>") # deny-intra-vlan-traffic

Aruba recommends that both Client Isolation and ARP poison check should be configured for enhanced sec..

Aruba 7010 WLAN Controller

(controller) >enable

(controller) #show ip route

Codes: C - connected, O - OSPF, R - RIP, S - static
       M - mgmt, U - route usable, * - candidate default, V - RAPNG VPN

Gateway of last resort is Imported from DHCP to network at cost 10
Gateway of last resort is Imported from CELL to network at cost 10
Gateway of last resort is Imported from PPPOE to network at cost 10
C    IP_NETWORK/MASK is directly connected, VLAN1
C    IP_NETWORK/MASK is directly connected, VLAN100
C    IP_NETWORK/MASK is directly connected, VLAN101

(controller) #show running-config | include gateway
Building Configuration...
ip default-gateway IP_DEFAULT_GATEWAY

(controller) #configure terminal 
Enter Configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z

(controller) (config) #no ip default-gateway IP_CURRENT_DEFAULT_GATEWAY
(controller) (config) #ip default-gateway IP_NEW_DEFAULT_GATEWAY
(controller) (config) #write memory 
Saving Configuration...

Configuration Saved.

(controller) (config) #exit
(controller) #show running-config | include gateway
Building Configuration...
ip default-gateway IP_NEW_DEFAULT_GATEWAY
(BRG-Neusiedl) #halt  
Please only execute this command from the local console.
Do you really want to halt the system(y/n): y
System will now halt! Please wait...Connection closed by foreign host.
Connection to closed.

Aruba InstantOn 1930 - 48G 4SFP/SFP+

- Temperatur beträgt (gemessen mit Infrarot ) zwischen 34-40 Grad Celsius (Auslastung ~2Gbit / alleiniges Modul im Switch / Umgebung 21 Grad Celsius, Verbrauch ~3-4 Watt)

LWL - Verkabelung


Firefox Troubles:

siehe zB: vim /etc/firejail/firefox-common.profile +43

vim /etc/firejail/firejail.config +22
browser-disable-u2f no

Micro 10G Firewall - HUNSN (RJ50F)

root@FooMeister:/etc/systemd/network# cat 


Micro Firewall - HUNSN (RJ03)


CMD Allerlei

VBoxManage.exe convertdd disk.raw disk.vhd --format VHD
    apt-get install libguestfs-tools

    guestmount --add BACKUP.vhdx --inspector --ro /mnt




Sollte die Deinstallation über die Nanohealconsole nicht funktionieren, kann der Uninstaller über die Kommandozeile aufgerufen werden:

"C:\Program Files\Nanoheal\Client\cutil.exe" -5
10 months ago