


Dies ist eine alte Version des Dokuments!


  • Windows Sicherung muss installiert sein
  • Generiert VHDX Datein die gemountet werden können

Externer SAMBA Server rotierend

  • backup-generic.bat
  • Bare Metal Backup falls die Maschine selbst etwas hat
  • Achtung unter BACKUP_TARGET müssen sich dann wie in diesem Fall die Verzeichnisse 0,1 befinden (wegen Module Operation der Anzahl der Wochen die gespeichert werden sollen)

set LOGFILE=F:\Backup-Logging.txt
set G=%temp%\getWeek.vbs
set WEEKS=2

set BACKUP_TARGET=\\backup\backup_serverxy\bare_metal

>%G% echo WScript.Echo Datepart("ww",WScript.Arguments(0),2)

for /f %%i in ('cscript //nologo %G% %date%') do set calWeek=%%i

set /a DIRECTORY=%calweek%%%WEEKS%

date /t >> %LOGFILE%

wbadmin start backup -quiet -vssCopy -user:"%USERNAME%" -password:"%PASSWORD%" -allCritical -backupTarget:%BACKUP_TARGET%%DIRECTORY%  >> %LOGFILE% 2>&1

"Externes" Laufwerk rotierend

  • backup-storagexy.bat
  • Achtung Hier wird das Laufwerk G:\ auf F:\ gesichert, wieder müssen die Verzeichnisse 0,1 unter BACKUP_TARGET existieren

set LOGFILE=F:\Backup-Logging-StorageXY.txt
set G=%temp%\getWeek.vbs
set WEEKS=2

set BACKUP_TARGET=\\localhost\F$\Backups\STORAGEXY\

>%G% echo WScript.Echo Datepart("ww",WScript.Arguments(0),2)

for /f %%i in ('cscript //nologo %G% %date%') do set calWeek=%%i

set /a DIRECTORY=%calweek%%%WEEKS%

echo "----BEGIN BACKUP----" >> %LOGFILE% 2>&1

date /t >> %LOGFILE%

wbadmin start backup -vssCopy -quiet -include:G:\  -backupTarget:%BACKUP_TARGET%%DIRECTORY% >> %LOGFILE% 2>&1

echo "----END BACKUP----" >> %LOGFILE%

Externe Festplatten

  • Verschiedene Bat Dateien mit Laufwerksangaben für verschiedene externe Festplatten
  • gelöscht werden muss manuell
  • backup-extern-g.bat
@echo off & setlocal


for /f %%i in ('date /T') do Set DIRECTORY=%%i

if not exist "\\localhost\%TARGET%\Backups" goto fehler

mkdir \\localhost\%TARGET%\Backups\%NAME%\%DIRECTORY%\

wbadmin start backup -quiet -vssFull -allCritical -backupTarget:\\localhost\%TARGET%\Backups\%NAME%\%DIRECTORY%\

echo Konnte Festplatte %TARGET% nicht finden ggf. \\localhost\%TARGET%\Backups Verzeichnis anlegen

Hyper-V Guests auf Festplatte rotierend

  • backup-hyper-v.bat

set LOGFILE=PFAD\Backup-Logging-Guests.txt
set G=%temp%\getWeek.vbs
set WEEKS=4

set BACKUP_TARGET=\\localhost\F$\Guests\

>%G% echo WScript.Echo Datepart("ww",WScript.Arguments(0),2)

for /f %%i in ('cscript //nologo %G% %date%') do set calWeek=%%i

set /a DIRECTORY=%calweek%%%WEEKS%

echo "----BEGIN BACKUP----" >> %LOGFILE% 2>&1

date /t >> %LOGFILE%

wbadmin start backup -quiet -hyperv:"GUESTNAME1,GUESTNAME2,GUESTNAME3" -backupTarget:%BACKUP_TARGET%%DIRECTORY% >> %LOGFILE% 2>&1

echo "----END BACKUP----" >> %LOGFILE%

Duplicati 2 - verschlüsseltes Cloud Backup

  • Anfoderungen
    • Deduplizierendes, verschlüsseltes Backup , das in der „Cloud“ abgelegt werden kann in diesem Fall ins One-Drive Business von einem User Account der als „Backup“ User angelegt wurde
  • One-Drive Einstellungen
  • Achtung v2 auswählen und mit Graph API Key erstellen - bei >5000 Dateien in einem Ordner kommt es sonst zu „Limits“ die schwer zu debuggen sind
  • Getestet auf Windows 2016 Standard und Duplicati - 64bit , Backup enthält > 1 Million Dateien

  • Wiederherstellung von einzelnen Dateien hat beim Testen funktioniert war jedoch sehr langsam


  • Fehler Referenzmaschine war „Hyper-V“ Client und wurde auf physikalische Maschine migriert - Fehlermeldung am Client „Hyper-V IC Software Shadow Copy Provider ist noch installiert
2019-11-06 06:31:52: ERROR: Not found
2019-11-06 06:31:56: ERROR: backupcom->AddToSnapshotSet(&(Server->ConvertToWchar(selected_vols[i])[0]), GUID_NULL, &additional_refs[i].volid) failed. VSS error code VSS_E_UNEXPECTED_PROVIDER_ERROR
2019-11-06 06:31:56: ERROR: VSS provider information:
2019-11-06 06:31:56: ERROR: Anbietername: "Hyper-V IC Software Shadow Copy Provider"
2019-11-06 06:31:56: ERROR: Anbietertyp: Software
2019-11-06 06:31:56: ERROR: Anbieterkennung: {74600e39-7dc5-4567-a03b-f091d6c7b092}
2019-11-06 06:31:56: ERROR: Version:
2019-11-06 06:31:56: ERROR: Anbietername: "Microsoft Software Shadow Copy provider 1.0"
2019-11-06 06:31:56: ERROR: Anbietertyp: System
2019-11-06 06:31:56: ERROR: Anbieterkennung: {b5946137-7b9f-4925-af80-51abd60b20d5}
2019-11-06 06:31:56: ERROR: Version:
2019-11-06 06:31:56: ERROR: Creating shadowcopy of "C:" failed.
2019-11-06 06:31:56: ERROR: Creating shadow copy failed. See client log file for details.
2019-11-06 07:12:01: ERROR: Not found
2019-11-06 07:12:03: ERROR: backupcom->AddToSnapshotSet(&(Server->ConvertToWchar(selected_vols[i])[0]), GUID_NULL, &additional_refs[i].volid) failed. VSS error code VSS_E_UNEXPECTED_PROVIDER_ERROR
2019-11-06 07:12:03: ERROR: VSS provider information:
2019-11-06 07:12:03: ERROR: Anbietername: "Hyper-V IC Software Shadow Copy Provider"
2019-11-06 07:12:03: ERROR: Anbietertyp: Software
2019-11-06 07:12:03: ERROR: Anbieterkennung: {74600e39-7dc5-4567-a03b-f091d6c7b092}
2019-11-06 07:12:03: ERROR: Version:
2019-11-06 07:12:03: ERROR: Anbietername: "Microsoft Software Shadow Copy provider 1.0"
2019-11-06 07:12:03: ERROR: Anbietertyp: System
2019-11-06 07:12:03: ERROR: Anbieterkennung: {b5946137-7b9f-4925-af80-51abd60b20d5}
2019-11-06 07:12:03: ERROR: Version:
2019-11-06 07:12:03: ERROR: Creating shadowcopy of "C:" failed.
2019-11-06 07:12:03: ERROR: Creating shadow copy failed. See client log file for details.

"vssadmin list providers" sollte nach einem Reboot den Hyper V Provider nicht mehr anzeigen
LABEL UrBackup Restore
menu label Urbackup Restore Backup
kernel urbackup/live/vmlinuz
append initrd=urbackup/live/initrd.img boot=live config username=urbackup toram noswap fetch=tftp://IP_ADRESSE_TFTP_SERVER/urbackup/live/filesystem.squashfs

HP Pro Curve

  • Achtung Sicherheitsimplikationen bei telnet beachten (Übertragung des passworts über plaintext)
  • /etc/cron.d/backup-switches
# Every day @02:00 a.m.

00 2	* * *    root switches="IP_SWITCH_1 IP_SWITCH_2 IP_SWITCH_3 IP_SWITCH_4"; for i in $switches ;  do /usr/local/bin/get-switch-config $i > /var/backups/switches-configs/$i.conf ; done
  • Dependency: expect
  • /usr/local/bin/get-switch-config
#!/usr/bin/expect -f

# To avoid empty lines, 'nonewline' flag is used
set ip_address [lindex $argv 0];
set prompt "#"
set username "USERNAME_SWITCHES\r"
set password "PASSWORD_SWITCHES\r"

    log_user 0 
    spawn telnet $ip_address
    expect "Username:"
    send $username
    expect "Password:"
    send $password
    expect $prompt
    # To avoid sending 'Enter' key on huge configurations
    send "terminal length 0\r"
    expect $prompt
    #set timeout 120;# Increasing timeout to 2mins, as it may take more time to get the prompt
    log_user 1
    send "show config\r"
    expect $prompt
    #set timeout 20; # Reverting to default timeout
    # Sending 'exit' at global level prompt will close the connection
    send "exit\r"
    expect eof



  • Erstellung von Prüfsummen zu den Dateien die gebackuped wurden
  • rsnapshot.conf - Beispiele für die Verwendung von
cmd_postexec    /usr/local/sbin/ /mnt/external-backup/ebackup1/weekly.0 c ; /bin/mount -o remount,ro /mnt/external-backup
  • rsnapshot.conf - Beispiele für die Verwendung von
backup_script	/usr/local/sbin/ /dev/vgroup/lvmname imagename.img.lzo	./pfad/
  • Kann als backup_script ausgeführt werden zB: wenn auf einem Hostsystem virtualisiert über kvm eine „docker“ blackbox läuft und lvm

export PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin

function bailout ()

	echo -e "$1"
	exit 2


function usage ()
	echo -e "$1"
	exit 1


# LVM PATH / generate LVM snapshot name suffix snapshot / compress devices / output PATH


which lvcreate > /dev/null || bailout "lvcreate not found"
which lvremove > /dev/null || bailout "lvremove not found"
which lzop > /dev/null || bailout "lzop not found - apt-get install lzop"

[ $ARGUMENTS != 2 ] && bailout "Usage: $0 PATH_TO_LVM_VOLUME BACKUP_FILE"


[ ! -r $LVM_PATH ] && bailout "FAIL: Cannot read PATH_TO_LVM VOLUME"

[ -r $BACKUP_FILE ] && bailout "FAIL: $BACKUP_FILE is already here aborting"

LVM_NAME=$(echo ${LVM_PATH##*/})



[ -r $LVM_PATH_SNAPSHOT ] && bailout "FAIL: Snapshot: $LVM_PATH_SNAPSHOT already here aborting"

lvcreate -L $SIZE_SNAPSHOT -s -n $LVM_NAME_SNAPSHOT $LVM_PATH > /dev/null || bailout "FAIL: Could not create Snapshot: $LVM_NAME_SNAPSHOT"

if [ $BACKUP_FILE == '-' ]

	dd if=$LVM_PATH_SNAPSHOT bs=$BUFFER 2>/dev/null | lzop -

	dd if=$LVM_PATH_SNAPSHOT bs=$BUFFER 2>/dev/null | lzop  > $BACKUP_FILE

lvremove -q -f $LVM_PATH_SNAPSHOT > /dev/null

exit 0
  • Um nach dem Backup Prüfsummen aller Dateien zu erstellen


function usage {

echo "Usage: $0 directory_root [c|v]"
echo "c...create hashes"
echo "v...veriy hashes"

exit 0 



function verifyDirectoryHashes {

echo "verify"


[[ ! -f hashes.sha1 ]] && echo "Hashes: $DIRECTORY_ROOT/hashes.sha1 not found" && exit 2

date1=$(date -u +"%s")

sha1sum --quiet  -c hashes.sha1 


date2=$(date -u +"%s")
amount=$(wc -l hashes.sha1 | cut -d " " -f 1)

echo "$(($diff / 60)) minutes and $(($diff % 60)) seconds elapsed."
echo "Hashes verified: $amount"

echo "done"

exit $retCode


function createDirectoryHashes {
echo "create hashes"


echo -n > hashes.sha1

date1=$(date -u +"%s")

find ./ ! -name "*.sha1"  -type f  -exec sha1sum {} >> hashes.sha1 \;

date2=$(date -u +"%s")

amount=$(wc -l hashes.sha1 | cut -d " " -f 1)
echo "$(($diff / 60)) minutes and $(($diff % 60)) seconds elapsed."
echo "Hashes created: $amount"

echo "done"
exit 0

#Check parameters


[[ ! -d $DIRECTORY_ROOT ]] && echo "Cannot read directory: $DIRECTORY_ROOT" && usage

[[  $ACTION != "c" && $ACTION != "v" ]] && echo "Either verify or create" && usage

[[ $ACTION == "c" ]] && createDirectoryHashes

[[ $ACTION == "v" ]] && verifyDirectoryHashes
  • rsnapshot mit btrfs
cmd_cp          /usr/local/sbin/

# uncomment this to use the rm program instead of the built-in perl routine.
cmd_rm          /usr/local/sbin/


# Arg 1: -al
# Arg 2: /path/daily.0
# Arg 3: /path/daily.1

btrfs subvolume snapshot -r $2 $3 >/dev/null

# Arg 1: -rf
# Arg 2: /path/daily.5/

# echo 1: $1  2: $@

# Try to delete the given path with btrfs subvolume delete first
# if this fails fall back to normal rm
if [  "$1" = "-rf"  -a  "$3" = ""  ]; then
	   # "trying to delete with btrfs"
	   btrfs subvolume show "$2" &>/dev/null && btrfs subvolume delete "$2" &>/dev/null && exit 0
	   [[ -d "$2" ]] &&  rm -rf "$2" && exit 0
	   exit 2

exit 2
  • rsnapshot mit borg cron job
  • In der Konfiguration der rsnapshot Backups existiert nur mehr daily.0 d.h. retain daily 1 und beide Backup Jobs (customers und pannoniait) müssen bereits abgeschlossen sein
30   06 * * 1-5 	root   ( [[ ! -f /var/run/ ]] && [[ ! -f /var/run/ ]] && borg create -x --numeric-owner --compression lz4 /mnt/storage/backups/borg/::d.$(date +"\%F") /mnt/storage/backups/customers/daily.0/ /mnt/storage/backups/pannoniait/daily.0/ && borg prune -P d -d 5 /mnt/storage/backups/borg ) || echo "Could not perform daily borg backup"

30   06 * * 6		root  ( [[ ! -f /var/run/ ]] && [[ ! -f /var/run/ ]] && borg create -x --numeric-owner --compression lz4 /mnt/storage/backups/borg/::w.$(date +"\%F") /mnt/storage/backups/customers/daily.0/ /mnt/storage/backups/pannoniait/daily.0/ && borg prune -P w -w 4 /mnt/storage/backups/borg ) || echo "Could not perform weekly borg backup"

30   07 1 * * 		root ( [[ ! -f /var/run/ ]] && [[ ! -f /var/run/ ]] && borg create -x --numeric-owner --compression lz4 /mnt/storage/backups/borg/::m.$(date +"\%F") /mnt/storage/backups/customers/daily.0/ /mnt/storage/backups/pannoniait/daily.0/ && borg prune -P m -m 2 /mnt/stroage/backups/borg ) || echo "Could not perform monthly borg backup


  • Backup Tests mit borg - Achtung unverschlüsselt da Testgerät ohnehin vollverschlüsselt ist
  • Durchgeführt auf Kali Linux - Debian Testing
Borg Befehle:

1) Repository initialisieren d.h. Verzeichnis initialisieren wo das Backup landen soll

Encryption modes
Hash/MAC 	Not encrypted no auth 	Not encrypted, but authenticated 	Encrypted (AEAD w/ AES) and authenticated
SHA-256 	none 	authenticated 	repokey keyfile
BLAKE2b 	n/a 	authenticated-blake2 	repokey-blake2 keyfile-blake2

( encryption -> 'none', 'keyfile', 'repokey', 'authenticated', 'keyfile-blake2', 'repokey-blake2', 'authenticated-blake2' )

root@mrChief:/home# borg init --encryption none  /mnt/backup/mrChief/
root@mrChief:/home# echo $?

2) Backup erstellen 

Exclude mir alle ISO Dateien unter /home/urnilxfgbez/
Nicht über das Dateisystem rausschießen deshalb / und /boot einzeln
Nummerische Ids der Ownership speichern

borg create  --stats  --progress --one-file-system --numeric-owner --exclude /swap.img --exclude '/home/*/*.iso' --exclude '/home/*/*.ISO' --compression lz4 /mnt/backup/mrChief/::$(date +"%T.%F") / /boot

3) Verfügbare Backups anzeigen (borg list)

root@mrChief:/home# borg list /mnt/backup/mrChief/
12:13:01.2019-10-16                  Wed, 2019-10-16 12:13:02 [6e550028349bdde6f22ab513a83169ebf6ef87026af80e5598f7e9c82dff4229]

4) Verfügbares Backup mounten und zugänglich machen
root@mrChief:/mnt# borg mount /mnt/backup/mrChief::12:13:01.2019-10-16 /mnt/tmp

root@mrChief:/mnt# borg umount /mnt/tmp
root@mrChief:/mnt# ls -al /mnt/tmp
total 8
drwxr-xr-x  2 root root 4096 Jan 23  2019 .
drwxr-xr-x 14 root root 4096 Oct 16 09:47 ..

5) Backup Policy definieren f. Aufbewahrungsfristen (borg prune) 
Letzte 4 Versionen behalten

root@mrChief:/mnt# borg prune --keep-last 4 /mnt/backup/mrChief/


  • Anforderungen:
    • Es sollen Backups durchgeführt werden „Event“ basierend d.h. wenn eine bestimmte Festplatte angesteckt wird
  • Getestet auf Debian Buster
  • Die Seagate Platte wird sporadisch angesteckt (siehe lsusb - ID) :
root@mrGodfather:/mnt/ebackup/ebackup1# lsusb 
Bus 002 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0001 Linux Foundation 1.1 root hub
Bus 005 Device 008: ID 0bc2:61b7 Seagate RSS LLC Maxtor M3 Portable
  • Udev Trigger für diese spezielle Festplatte
root@mrGodfather:/mnt/ebackup/ebackup1# cat /etc/udev/rules.d/30-ebackup.rules 
ACTION=="add",KERNEL=="sd?[0-9]",ATTRS{idVendor}=="0bc2", ATTRS{idProduct}=="61b7", RUN+="/usr/local/sbin/"
  • Workaround damit „Backup“ Skript systemd entzogen wird (dort gibts ein definiertes timeout für Skript) und at übergeben
root@mrGodfather:/mnt/ebackup/ebackup1# cat /usr/local/sbin/

echo "/usr/local/sbin/" | at now

exit 0
  • Backup Skript , das crypsetup Device erstellt und Backups durchführt (Achtung btrfs Dateisystem)
root@mrGodfather:/mnt/ebackup/ebackup1# cat /usr/local/sbin/

#1st step check if device is here
#2nd step check if already mounted 
#3rd step mount using cryptsetup key
#4th step remember time backup of  all hosts using rsync
#5th step take snapshot
#6th sync data umount drive
export PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin




RSYNC_STANDARD="rsync -a --timeout=300 --acls --delete --numeric-ids --exclude mnt/backup/ --exclude proc/ --exclude sys/ --exclude dev/ --exclude backup/ --exclude mnt/storage/backups/pannoniait/ --exclude mnt/storage/backups/customers/ --exclude .snapshots/ "

MACHINES="server1 server2 server3 server4" 

BACKUP_ID=$(date +%s)
START_TIME=$(date +%Y.%m.%d-%H.%M.%S)

function bailout ()
  echo -e "$1"
  exit 2

function notify ()
  echo -e "$1"


notify "Program: $0 \nstarted at: $START_TIME\nMachines to backup: $MACHINES mrGodfather\nDestination Hardware: $HARDDISK_ID\nBackup ID: $BACKUP_ID\nDestination MountPoint: $MOUNT_POINT\nKeyfile: $KEY_LOCATION"

which cryptsetup > /dev/null || bailout "FAIL: cryptsetup not found!"
which mail > /dev/null || ( echo "FAIL: mail not found!" && exit 2 )
which rsync > /dev/null || bailout "FAIL: rsync not found!"
which btrfs > /dev/null || bailout "FAIL: btrfs not found!"

[ ! -r $HARDDISK_ID  ] && bailout "FAIL: Physical Harddisk: $HARDDISK_ID not found\nBackup ID: $BACKUP_ID"

[ ! -r $KEY_LOCATION ] && bailout "FAIL: Key not found: $KEY_LOCATION\nBackup ID: $BACKUP_ID"

[ ! -d $MOUNT_POINT ] && bailout "FAIL: Mount point not found: $MOUNT_POINT\nBackup ID: $BACKUP_ID"

[ -r "/dev/mapper/$MAPPER_NAME" ] && bailout "FAIL: Crypto Mapper: $MAPPER_NAME found close manualy\nBackup ID: $BACKUP_ID" 

mountpoint -q $MOUNT_POINT && bailout "FAIL: Already mounted: $MOUNT_POINT\nBackup ID: $BACKUP_ID" 
cryptsetup luksOpen $HARDDISK_ID $MAPPER_NAME --key-file $KEY_LOCATION || bailout "FAIL: Could not open cryptsetup device $HARDDISK_ID with $KEY_LOCATION\nBackup ID: $BACKUP_ID"

mount -o rw,acl,noexec /dev/mapper/$MAPPER_NAME $MOUNT_POINT || bailout "FAIL: could not mount: /dev/mapper/$MAPPER_NAME on $MOUNT_POINT\nBackup ID: $BACKUP_ID"

[ ! -d "$MOUNT_POINT/$SUBVOLUME_NAME" ] && bailout "FAIL: Directory not found on Mountpoint: $MOUNT_POINT/$SUBVOLUME_NAME\nBackup ID: $BACKUP_ID"

for machine in $MACHINES 




END_TIME=$(date +%Y.%m.%d-%H.%M.%S)

btrfs filesystem  sync $MOUNT_POINT || bailout "FAIL: could not sync btrfs filesystem\nBackup ID: $BACKUP_ID"

/usr/local/sbin/ $MOUNT_POINT ebackup1 5 || bailout "FAIL: could not clearLastSnapshot\nCheck Manualyy!\mBackup ID: $BACKUP_ID"


sleep 60

umount $MOUNT_POINT || bailout "FAIL: Could not unmount filesystem\nBackup ID: $BACKUP_ID"

cryptsetup luksClose $MAPPER_NAME || bailout "FAIL: Could not close cryptsetup Handle $MAPPER_NAME\nBackup ID: $BACKUP_ID"

notify "Program ended successfully : $0 \nended at: $END_TIME\nBackup ID: $BACKUP_ID"

exit 0
  • Skript um nur eine bestimmte Anzahl an Snapshots auf dem Device zu halten
root@mrGodfather:/mnt/ebackup/ebackup1# cat /usr/local/sbin/

function usage 
	  echo "Usage Keep this Nr of Snapshots: $0 LocalMountPoint LocalSubvolumeName DesiredSnapshotCount"
	    echo "Usage Show Nr of Snapshots: $0 LocalMountPoint LocalSubvolumeName"
	      echo "Usage: e.g. $0 /mnt/storage daten 3"  
	        exit 1


	[[ $# != 3 && $# != 2 ]] && usage

	[[ ! -d $LOCAL_MOUNT_POINT ]] && echo "Couldn't validate local btrfs subvolume mountpoint: $LOCAL_MOUNT_POINT" && exit 2

	CURRENT_NR_SNAPSHOTS=$(btrfs subvolume list $LOCAL_MOUNT_POINT/$LOCAL_SUBVOLUME/.snapshots -r -o --sort=+gen  | wc -l )

	[[  "$CURRENT_NR_SNAPSHOTS" == 0 ]] &&  echo "Couldn't aquire number of snapshots from $LOCAL_MOUNT_POINT/$LOCAL_SUBVOLUME/.snapshots" && exit 2 

	[[ $# == 2 ]] && echo -e "Mount Point: $LOCAL_MOUNT_POINT\nSubvolume: $LOCAL_SUBVOLUME\nCurrent Snapshots: $CURRENT_NR_SNAPSHOTS" && exit 0


	[[ ! $DESIRED_SNAPSHOTS =~ $REGEX_NUMBER ]] && echo "That's not a valid number: $NR_SNAPSHOTS" && exit 2

	[[  $(($CURRENT_NR_SNAPSHOTS-$DESIRED_SNAPSHOTS)) -le 0 ]] && echo -e "Deletion not needed\nMount Point: $LOCAL_MOUNT_POINT\nSubvolume: $LOCAL_SUBVOLUME\nCurrent Snapshots: $CURRENT_NR_SNAPSHOTS\nDesired: $DESIRED_SNAPSHOTS" && exit 0


	CURRENT_SNAPSHOTS=$(btrfs subvolume list $LOCAL_MOUNT_POINT/$LOCAL_SUBVOLUME/.snapshots -r -o --sort=+gen | head -n $NR_SNAPSHOTS_REMOVE | cut -d' ' -f 9 )

	for snap in $CURRENT_SNAPSHOTS 

		btrfs subvolume delete $LOCAL_MOUNT_POINT/$snap


	btrfs filesystem  sync $LOCAL_MOUNT_POINT


  • rsync für blockdevices Kopieren “–copy-devices„
root@mrChief:/home/urnilxfgbez# rsync -v  --progress --block-size=131072 --no-whole-file --checksum --copy-devices /dev/mmcblk0 /tmp/foo
root@mrChief:/home/urnilxfgbez# rsync -vv --no-whole-file --copy-devices /dev/mmcblk0 /tmp/foo
delta-transmission enabled
total: matches=126225  hash_hits=126225  false_alarms=0 data=0

sent 505,008 bytes  received 1,009,926 bytes  5,439.62 bytes/sec
total size is 0  speedup is 0.00
root@mrChief:/home/urnilxfgbez# rsync -vv --no-whole-file --copy-devices root@localhost:/dev/mmcblk0 /tmp/foo
opening connection using: ssh -l root localhost rsync --server --sender -vve.LsfxC --copy-devices . /dev/mmcblk0  (11 args)
delta-transmission enabled
total: matches=126225  hash_hits=126225  false_alarms=0 data=0

sent 1,009,903 bytes  received 505,075 bytes  5,439.78 bytes/sec
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know-how/backup.1573207993.txt.gz · Zuletzt geändert: 2019/11/08 11:13 von cc