Threat Intelligence
work in progress / Analyse der gesammelten Firewall Drops / Datenbank Design usw..
- Alle Drops mit bestimmten Eigenschaften die auf der Firewall extern einschlagen protokollieren um daraus Hinweise auf gehackte Systeme zu gewinnen
- Interessant wird dann die andere Richtung auf anderen Systemen - welche Endgeräte versuchen auf IP Adressen von Intern nach Extern zuzugreifen auf IPs die aus den historischen Daten gewonnen wurden
- Ich möchte in der Lage sein SQL Queries auf die Daten abzusetzen
MariaDB [inteldb]> desc raw; +---------------+--------------+------+-----+---------------------+-------------------------------+ | Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra | +---------------+--------------+------+-----+---------------------+-------------------------------+ | hash | char(64) | NO | PRI | NULL | | | original | varchar(450) | NO | | NULL | | | src | varchar(100) | NO | MUL | NULL | | | dst | char(40) | NO | MUL | NULL | | | dpt | int(11) | NO | MUL | NULL | | | spt | int(11) | NO | MUL | NULL | | | proto | varchar(15) | NO | MUL | NULL | | | country | char(2) | NO | | NULL | | | originalDate | datetime | NO | MUL | NULL | | | insertionDate | timestamp | NO | | current_timestamp() | on update current_timestamp() | +---------------+--------------+------+-----+---------------------+-------------------------------+
- Storage Engine default-storage-engine = Aria - als Nachfolger von myisam - ich benötige Crash resistenten Table
Schnittstelle f. Datenbank / Input der Daten
- syslog-ng loggt direkt auf eine pipe / für das Skript macht es keinen Unterschied ob ein Logfile gelesen wird oder die Pipe geöffnet
<?php // Shouldn't be used anymore //declare(ticks = 1); pcntl_async_signals(true); pcntl_signal(SIGINT,'exit_handler'); $db_servername=""; $db_username=""; $db_name=""; $db_password=""; require_once("geoip2.phar"); use GeoIp2\Database\Reader; if(!isset($argc) || $argc !== 2 ) { echo "\nParamters count wrong \n"; exit(2); } $input_file=$argv[1]; if(!is_readable($input_file)) { echo "\nCannot read: ".$input_file."\n"; exit(2); } $fp = fopen($input_file,"r"); global $entriesOk; global $entriesFail; $entriesOk=0; $entriesFail=0; $db_connection = new mysqli($db_servername,$db_username,$db_password,$db_name); if($db_connection->connect_error) { echo "\nCannot connect to database: $db_servername : $db_username : $db_name \n"; exit(2); } $insert_statement=$db_connection->prepare("INSERT into raw (hash,original,src,dst,dpt,spt,proto,country,originalDate) values (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,? )"); while( ($line=fgets($fp,1024)) !== false) { //echo $line."\n"; $matches=array(); $matches_count=preg_match_all('/[A-Z]+=[A-Z,a-z,0-9,\.,:]+/i',$line,$matches); if($matches_count > 1 ) { $inputMaster=array(); $matches=$matches[0]; $wrongCommit=false; for($i=0; $i<count($matches) && $wrongCommit==false ; $i++) { $cut_array=explode("=",$matches[$i]); if(count($cut_array)== 2) { if(!isset($inputMaster[$cut_array[0]])) { $inputMaster[$cut_array[0]]=$cut_array[1]; if(isset($inputMaster["SRC"]) && filter_var($inputMaster["SRC"], FILTER_VALIDATE_IP, FILTER_FLAG_NO_PRIV_RANGE | FILTER_FLAG_NO_RES_RANGE)===false) { $wrongCommit=true; } } else { #2024-02-16 cc: no multiple SRC definitions ! if(isset($inputMaster["SRC"]) && $cut_array[0]=="SRC") { $wrongCommit=true; } } } } if($wrongCommit===false) { //Jan 26 01:46:54 if(preg_match('/^[A-Z,a-z]{3}[ ]{1}[0-9]{1,2}[ ]{1}([0-9]{1,2}:){2}[0-9]{1,2}/i',$line,$matches_time)===0) { $inputMaster["timestamp"]=time(); $inputMaster["datetime"]= date("Y-m-d H:i:s",$inputMaster["timestamp"]); $inputMaster["original_time"]=false; } else { $inputMaster["timestamp"]=strtotime($matches_time[0]); $inputMaster["datetime"]= date("Y-m-d H:i:s",$inputMaster["timestamp"]); $inputMaster["original_time"]=$matches_time[0]; } $inputMaster["original_line"]=$line; $inputMaster["hash"]=hash('sha256',$line); if(isset($inputMaster["SRC"])) { $inputMaster["country"]=getCountry($inputMaster["SRC"]); //$reader = new Reader('/usr/local/etc/dbip-country.mmdb'); //$inputMaster["country"]=($reader->country($inputMaster["SRC"]))->country->isoCode; } else { $inputMaster["SRC"]="00"; $inputMaster["country"]="00"; } if(isset($inputMaster["DST"])) { $inputMaster["DST"]=hash('sha1',$inputMaster["DST"]); } else { $inputMaster["DST"]=hash('sha1',"00"); } if(!isset($inputMaster["DPT"]) || strlen($inputMaster["DPT"])===0 ) { $inputMaster["DPT"]=0; } if(!isset($inputMaster["SPT"]) || strlen($inputMaster["SPT"])===0 ) { $inputMaster["SPT"]=0; } $entriesOk++; $insert_statement->bind_param("ssssiisss",$inputMaster["hash"],$inputMaster["original_line"],$inputMaster["SRC"],$inputMaster["DST"],$inputMaster["DPT"],$inputMaster["SPT"],$inputMaster["PROTO"],$inputMaster["country"],$inputMaster["datetime"]); //print_r($inputMaster); if($insert_statement->execute()) { $entriesOk++; } else { $entriesFail++; echo "MYSQL Failure: ".$insert_statement->error."\n"; print_r($inputMaster); } } else { echo "\nInvalid Commit: $line \n"; //print_r($inputMaster); //print_r($matches); $entriesFail++; } if( !( $entriesOk % 1000) || !( $entriesFail %1000) ) { echo "\nInsertion OK: $entriesOk \nInsertion FAIL: $entriesFail "; echo "\nStats Entries handeled total: ".($entriesOk+$entriesFail); } } else { $entriesFail++; } } echo "\n Program quit !"; echo "\nInsertion OK: $entriesOk \nInsertion FAIL: $entriesFail "; echo "\nStats Entries handeled total: ".($entriesOk+$entriesFail); exit(0); function getCountry($ip) { try { $reader = new Reader('/usr/local/etc/dbip-country.mmdb'); return $reader->country($ip)->country->isoCode; } catch(Exception $e) { return "00"; } } function exit_handler($signal) { echo "It's over'"; exit(2); } ?>
- Zentraler Server Beispiel syslog server auf linux syslog.conf
.. destination d_intel { network("" port(514) transport(udp)); }; filter f_firewall_intel { message("fw") and message("EXT-FW") and message("DROP"); }; log { source(s_src); filter(f_firewall_intel); destination(d_intel);}; ..
- openwrt /etc/config/system
.. option log_ip '' option log_port '514' option log_proto 'udp' ..
- API unter:
- Parameter: requestIP → IPv4 oder IPv6 IP Adresse
- Parameter: apiKey → API Key von Pannonia IT Results ohne Delay
- Paramter: format → csv - Results im CSV Format / optional per Default im json Format
- Ergebnisse als JSON Results:
[{"src":"","dpt":445,"proto":"TCP","originalDate":"2023-06-27 13:42:24","hits":2,"dst_hits":1}]
know-how/threat_intel.txt · Zuletzt geändert: 2024/03/26 08:24 von cc